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Church Slavonic Fonts in Unicode

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Fonts for Synodal Slavonic

  • Ponomar Unicode (previously called Hirmos Ponomar) is a font for typesetting Synodal Church Slavonic (that is, Church Slavonic used in modern liturgical texts of the Russian Orthodox Church). It may also be used to typeset liturgical texts in Romanian (Moldovan) Cyrillic, Aleut and Sakha (Yakut) Download

Хрⷭ҇то́съ воскре́се и҆з̾ ме́ртвыхъ, сме́ртїю сме́рть попра́въ, и҆ сꙋ́щымъ во гробѣ́хъ живо́тъ дарова́въ.

  • Pochaevsk Unicode reproduces the typeface used in editions published by the Holy Dormition Pochayev Lavra in the late 19th century and, subsequently, in editions published in the 20th century by Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, New York. Download

Хрⷭ҇то́съ воскре́се и҆з̾ ме́ртвыхъ, сме́ртїю сме́рть попра́въ, и҆ сꙋ́щымъ во гробѣ́хъ живо́тъ дарова́въ.

  • Triodion Unicode is another font for typesetting Synodal Church Slavonic. It is intended to reproduce the typeface of liturgical books published in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century Download

Хрⷭ҇то́съ воскре́се и҆з̾ ме́ртвыхъ, сме́ртїю сме́рть попра́въ, и҆ сꙋ́щымъ во гробѣ́хъ живо́тъ дарова́въ.

  • Acathist reproduces another typeface that was used in the Synodal editions of the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. This typeface was used for large format editions such as Altar Gospel Books and Acathists Download

Хрⷭ҇то́съ воскре́се и҆з̾ ме́ртвыхъ, сме́ртїю сме́рть попра́въ, и҆ сꙋ́щымъ во гробѣ́хъ живо́тъ дарова́въ.

Fonts for Pre-Nikonian Printed Slavonic

  • Fedorovsk Unicode is designed to mimic the typeface used by Ivan Fedorov, who produced some of the first printed books in Moscow. It is intended primarily for reproducing publications from that era, either in an academic setting, or as modern Old Rite liturgical texts.

Хрⷭ҇то́съ вᲂскр҃се и҆з̾ ме́ртвыхъ сме́ртїю на сме́рть настꙋпѝ , и҆ гро́бнымъ живо́тъ дарᲂва̀ .

  • Vilnius is designed to mimic the typeface used by the Mamonichi Press in Vilnius, which produced important editions in the late 16th and early 17th century. Download

Выⷣрꙋкᲂвана сїа кни́га в̾лѣтᲂ ѿ съзⷣанїѧ ми́ра ҂ꙁ҃ч҃ае , з̾дрꙋка́рни до́мꙋ мамоничᲂвъ

Fonts for Working with Manuscripts

  • Menaion Unicode provides both Cyrillic and Glagolitic characters and is intended for representing text from Ustav-era Church Slavonic manuscripts. Download

Искони бѣ слово и слово бѣ отъ б҃а и б҃ъ бѣ слово 𝀏

Ⰻⱄⰽⱁⱀⰹ ⰱⱑ ⱄⰾⱁⰲⱁ · ⰻ ⱄⰾⱁⰲⱁ ⰱⱑ ⱋ̔ ⰱⰰ · ⰻ ⰱ͞ⱏ ⰱⱑ ⱄⰾⱁⰲⱁ ·

  • Voskresensky provides Cyrillic characters and Znamenny Musical Notation symbols and is also intended for reproducing the text of Ustav-era manuscripts. The typeface is modelled after the characters in the Voskresensky Hirmologion. Please note that the neumes are still experimental.

Оутроба иѡнꙑ младеньца не врѣди морьскꙑи ꙁвѣрь·

Fonts for Academic Work

  • Monomakh Unicode is a Cyrillic font implemented in a mixed ustav/poluustav style and intended to cover needs of researches dealing with Slavic history and philology. It also provides Latin characters in a similar typeface, which is useful for working with multilingual academic editions. Download

Бл҃же́нъ мꙋ́жъ, и҆́же не и҆́де на совѣ́тъ нечести́выхъ, и҆ на пꙋтѝ грѣ́шныхъ не ста̀, и҆ на сѣда́лищи гꙋби́телей не сѣ́де: но въ зако́нѣ гдⷭ҇ни во́лѧ є҆гѡ̀, и҆ въ зако́нѣ є҆гѡ̀ поꙋчи́тсѧ де́нь и҆ но́щь.

Fericit bărbatul, care n-a umblat în sfatul necredincioșilor și în calea păcătoșilor nu a stat și pe scaunul hulitorilor n-a șezut; ci în legea Domnului e voia lui și la legea Lui va cugeta ziua și noaptea.

  • Shafarik is a Unicode font, named after Pavel Jozef Šafárik, Slovak-born scholar and one of the founders of modern Slavic philology, intended for an academic presentation of Old Church Slavonic (OCS) texts written in both the Cyrillic and Glagolitic alphabets. The font supports both round (Bulgarian) Glagolitic and angular (Croatian) Glagolitic. Download font | Download documentation

Ⰸⰰⱍⱔⰾⱁ ⰵⰲⰰ︮ⰼ︦ⰾ︯ⰻⱑ · ⰺ︮ⱄ︯ ⱈ͠ⰲⰰ ⱄ︮ⱀ︦ⰰ︯ ⰱ︮ⰶ︦ⰻ︯ⱑ · Зачѧло Ева︮ꙉ︦л︯иѣ. ꙇ͠с х͠ва с︮н︦а︯ б︮ж︦и︯ѣ.

Ⰱⱃⰰⱅⰻⱑ, ⱞⱁⰾⰻⱞ ⰲⰻ ⰻ ⱂⱃⱁⱄⰻⱞⱜ ⱁ ⰳⱁⱄⱂⱁⰴⱑ Ⰻⱄⱆⱄⱑ, ⰴⰰ ⱑⰽⱁⰶⰵ ⱂⱃⰻⱑⱄⱅⰵ ⱍⱅⱁ ⱁⱅ ⱀⰰⱄⱜ, ⰽⰰⰽⱁ ⱂⱁⰴⱁⰱⰰⰵⱅⱜ ⰲⰰⱞⱜ ⱈⱁⰴⰻⱅⰻ ⰻ ⱆⰳⰰⰶⰴⰰⱅⰻ Ⰱⱁⰳⱆ

Decorative Fonts

  • Indiction Unicode is used for decorative drop caps (bukvitsi) in liturgical books of the Russian Orthodox Church published since the late 19th century. Download

Влⷣко многомлⷭ҇тиве гдⷭ҇и, і҆и҃се хрⷭ҇тѐ бж҃е на́шъ, моли́твами всепречⷭ҇тыѧ влⷣчцы на́шеѧ бцⷣы и҆ приснодв҃ы мр҃і́и: си́лою чⷭ҇тна́гѡ и҆ животворѧ́щагѡ крⷭ҇та̀: предста́тельствы честны́хъ нб҃е́сныхъ си́лъ безпло́тныхъ:

  • Vertograd Unicode is another font used for decorative drop caps and titling, commonly found in liturgical books of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Download

Во ст҃ꙋ́ю и҆ вели́кꙋю недѣ́лю па́схи, са́мое живоно́сное воскресе́нїе пра́зднꙋемъ гдⷭ҇а бг҃а и҆ сп҃са на́шегѡ і҆и҃са хрⷭ҇та̀, є҆́же ᲂу҆́бѡ и҆ па́схꙋ и҆менꙋ́емъ: ꙗ҆́же є҆вре́йскою бесѣ́дою преведе́нїе толкꙋ́етсѧ. То́й бо є҆́сть де́нь, во́ньже бг҃ъ въ нача́лѣ мі́ръ ѿ небытїѧ̀ приведѐ.

  • Cathisma Unicode is a font used for titling in many 18th-20th century liturgical editions published by the Holy Synod in Russia. Download


  • Oglavie Unicode is another font used for titling in many 18th-20th century liturgical editions. Download


  • Pomorsky Unicode is a decorative font intended for drop caps (bukvitsy) and titling in Old Ritualist texts. It reproduces the calligraphic style of book and chapter titles used by Priestless Old Ritualists of the Vyg Hermitage. Download

Бл҃гᲂслᲂвѝ дш҃е мᲂѧ̀ гдⷭ҇а . гдⷭ҇и бж҃е мо́й вᲂз̾вели́чилсѧ є҆сѝ ѕѣлѡ̀ . во и҆спᲂвѣ́данїе и҆ в̾ велелѣ́пᲂтꙋсѧ ѡ҆блечѐ . Ѡ҆дѣѧ́исѧ свѣ́тᲂмъ ꙗ҆́кѡ ри́зᲂю , прᲂпина́ѧи не́бо ꙗ҆́кѡ ко́жꙋ . Пᲂкрыва́ѧи вᲂда́ми превы́спренѧѧ свᲂѧ̀ . пᲂлага́ѧи ѻ҆́блаки на вᲂсхᲂжде́нїе свᲂѐ , хᲂдѧ́и на крылꙋ̀ вѣ́треню . Твᲂрѧ́и а҆́нг҃лы свᲂѧ̀ дх҃и , и҆ слꙋгѝ свᲂѧ̀ ѻ҆́гнь палѧ́щь . (?:҂([$h]))*(?:҂([$o]))*([$h]?)([клмнѯопч]?)([$o]?)$/;

var letter = ‘(?:ᲂу|Оу|оу\\S)[̀́̑҆̾̏҇҃ⷠⷡⷢⷣⷷⷤⷥꙵꙶⷦ]*’;

  • RussianMission is not a standalone CJK font. It provides only the 20 Han glyphs used in the texts of the Russian Mission in China and the Russian Mission in Japan to transliterate Church Slavonic syllables. The characters have now been accepted for encoding into the CJK Unified Ideographs block of Unicode starting at U+9FD6. See the README file for the codepoints and more information. RussianMission is not a supported font. Glyphs are provided for inclusion into other CJK fonts. Download

Licenses and Technical Information

Fonts only provided in OpenType-CFF (PostScript) format (OTF extension) with advanced OpenType features. Please read the documentation for a description of the OpenType features provided. We no longer provide fonts in TrueType format (TTF extension) with SIL Graphite features. If you need support for SIL Graphite, see the legacy fonts package.

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