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Бесплатный открытый REST API Битрикс24 и бесплатная открытая документация
получиТЕ много клиентов
Можно опубликовать решения, которые будут доступны для установки неограниченным числом пользователей Битрикс24: как платные, так и бесплатные. Это возможность выйти со своими продуктами на широкую коммерческую аудиторию.
Если вы занимаетесь внедрением Битрикс24 или используете Битрикс24 для собственных нужд, вы можете использовать REST API во всей его полноте для разработки внутренних автоматизаций, интеграций и кастомизации своего Битрикс24.
В 2013 году мы разработали и запустили приложение «Конструктор Документов», став одними из первых авторов в каталоге Приложения24. Мы не ошиблись в своем решении: приложение показывает постоянный рост выручки!
В 2015 выпустили наше первое приложение для Битрикс24. Именно с выходом этого решения началась история нашего успеха — в 2016 году мы стали лидером продаж Битрикс24 по всей партнерской сети. Сейчас выпуск собственных приложений — это основная наша стратегия развития компании, роста продаж и прибыли на ближайшие годы.
Когда в API Битрикс24 появились методы для интеграции телефонии, мы поняли — пришло время создать собственный продукт! Пришлось много поработать: организовать первую линию поддержки, багтрекер, непрерывную интеграцию… И у нас получилось — теперь это отдельная статья доходов нашей компании.
Тысячи компаний пользуются коммуникационными сервисами MANGO OFFICE. Выпустив прямую интеграцию с Битрикс24, мы постоянно получаем доказательства ее востребованности в сотнях установок виджета ежемесячно. Наши пользователи получили серьезные преимущества за счет эффективного взаимодействия с клиентами, сбора точной и глубокой аналитики, контроля клиентских коммуникаций — реальных улучшений в бизнес-процессах.
Битрикс24 для разработчиков
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МАРКЕТ ПЛЮСКлиенты покупают доступ ко всем решениям в рамках подписки за фиксированную ежемесячную стоимость. Разработчики решений получают авторское вознаграждение за использование своих решений пользователями.
Приложения, участвующие в подписке Битрикс24.Маркет Плюс, могут предлагать пользователям дополнительные возможности за дополнительную оплату. Вы можете встроить в интерфейс решений свои механизмы приема платежей.
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Используйте любые технологии разработки и любые языки программирования, поддерживающие работу с RESTful API
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Начните изучение REST API
Начните изучение REST API на базовых примерах из видео-куи адаптируйте их под свои задачи, а также пользуйтесь справочником по REST API.
Открытая документация, бесплатные учебные курсы и обучающий видео-контент
Site Management in Minsk — Prices turnkey
Website on «1C-Bitrix»
- What is CMS * «1C-Bitrix: Site Management»?
- Benefits of 1C-Bitrix: Site Management
- Disadvantages of «1C-Bitrix: Site Management»
- 1C-Bitrix: Site Management licenses
- Composite Site Technology
- Unique Solutions
- Ready-made solutions
- Pricing
- What does 1C-Bitrix: Site Management functionality look like?
You can order website development on the CMS «1C-Bitrix: Site Management», get advice or just navigate the prices, by contacting our office in Minsk by phone +375 (17) 307-06-27, +375 (44) 474-20-25 or by emailing us mail info@itg-soft. by.
What is CMS* «1C-Bitrix: Site Management»?
CMS «1C-Bitrix: Site Management» (abbreviated as «Bitrix» or «1C-Bitrix») is the most popular content management system in the CIS among all paid systems. Like any content management system, 1C-Bitrix allows an ordinary employee of any company, even being just a PC user, to manage and add content on a website.
1C-Bitrix is best suited for development online store or complex thematic sites such as medical organization website, website of an educational institution (school, university, etc.), state organization website. The prerequisites for choosing 1C-Bitrix as the basis for such projects are obvious: for online stores — this is the presence in the CMS of marketing tools and everything that is needed for an online store, and for the sites of government organizations — perhaps 100% protection of the site from hacking, as well as compliance with the basic standards for sites, namely GOSTs, Belarus, Russia and other CIS countries (for Belarus, this
Benefits «1C-Bitrix: Site Management»
Plus, like any CMS, 1C-Bitrix has enough, so we decided to highlight exactly the key advantages of this CMS relative to others:
- is well suited for a site that is non-standard in terms of functionality. The architecture of 1C-Bitrix is built on info blocks that can be modified almost anywhere. This is what allows you to implement a site on this CMS, the functionality of which is non-standard and must be implemented differently on each page.
- built-in advanced tools for online stores. The most expensive editions of CMS “1C-Bitrix: Site Management”, namely “Small Business” and “Business”, include special tools for working with the site just like with an online store, including: Discounts on various algorithms, Currencies (one in “Small business”, 2 or more in “Business”), Warehouse accounting, Trade catalog, Integration with CRM, Shop management wizard, etc.
- the system is fully ready forintegration with 1C. Since 1C-Bitrix is fully compatible with “1C: Enterprise”, in the future you will be able to produce and maintain with minimal cost data exchange between your site and 1C. Unfortunately, for this task, you still have to involve web developers. How much does it cost and how does it take to calculate depending on the functionality of the site and the settings of 1C itself. Contact us — we will help you answer these questions!
- increased protection of the site from hacking. If you want to reduce the risk of hacking the site or are the responsible person of the state organization for which you are considering creating the site, 1C-Bitrix will be a good choice for you.
- built-in advanced Internet marketing tools. The most expensive editions of CMS “1C-Bitrix: Site Management” (“Small Business” and “Business”) include additional tools that allow you to analyze the behavior of website visitors and Based on this, draw conclusions about what needs to be changed on the site in order to increase the conversion ** of the site.
- easy editing and adding content from the frontend *** of the site. If you want to edit something, you can do it right on the front pages of the site and save time on searching the backend *** (admin ** *) of the required info block *****. In all the most popular professional ones (that is, we don’t consider site builders) CMS is also present, but our opinion is that it is better implemented in CMS 1C-Bitrix.
- high-quality templates and solutions. Since 1C-Bitrix is a paid site management system and is not very easy for programmers, the “login threshold” for web developers has been raised and not every second one can easily start make decisions. Therefore, ready-made solutions are made much better, both in terms of code quality and design, than the same solutions in other control systems.
- mobile applications and their integration with the site. For the most expensive editions of 1C-Bitiriks for the online store, namely “Small Business” and “Business”, there is a1C-Bitrix platform : Mobile application ”, with which you can create applications for iOS and Android, the data which will automatically come from the site.
Disadvantages «1C-Bitrix: Site Management»
There is no perfect CMS. Each of them has its pros and cons. Therefore, we tried not to praise or scold each of them “what the light stands for”, but to highlight the pros and cons, respectively:
- «heavy» system. This means that this CMS is demanding on hosting parameters and it will not work out with the simplest (virtual) hosting, unless, of course, you have the easiest business card site 5 pages. Perhaps one of the reasons for this is that each page of the site in 1C-Bitrix is a separate PHP file. The developers of all the top CMS, whether paid or not, make them in such a way as to avoid the appearance of unnecessary files, since their number directly affects the speed of the site, which cannot be said about 1C-Bitrix. As a result, hosting for this CMS should be more powerful than for, say, free CMS Joomla! or WordPress.
- front-end site editing interface is not adaptive. Simply put — in 1C-Bitrix editing site elements without going into the admin panel can only be convenient from devices with high screen resolution.
- difficult to choose the right edition. A strong bias towards marketing and distribution of licenses through partners has led to the fact that it is extremely difficult for an ordinary person who is not related to the Internet and site building in particular to choose the right edition for “1C-Bitrix: Site Management” and not be mistaken. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you decide what tasks the site will have to solve and contact us, and we will help you find the right edition.
- overpayment for programmer services. If you need to do something on the site that is not in the ready-made modules from 1C-Bitrix, then the programmer will have to write a new solution from scratch. You can try to take the finished one from Macrketpleys (online store of extensions from 1C-Bitrix), but it will most likely have to be redone, plus you still have to buy it. In addition to all this, since writing code for 1C-Bitrix is more difficult, the programmer level should be higher, and the cost of a man-hour will be higher, respectively.
- the system is completely paid. The cost of a license, depending on its edition (a set of modules and, accordingly, capabilities), ranges from about 100 to 1000 cu Moreover, if you want to get all the functionality that you see in advertising articles, you will have to buy the most expensive license.
- you cannot buy separately the necessary functionality. Each edition contains a certain number of blocks and you cannot separately buy an additional block from another, you need to pay the entire license.
- paid license renewals. In order to continue to be able to update the 1C-Bitrix system together with its blocks, you need to buy license renewals. If you do not buy them, then the site will not stop working, but from the point of view of, at least security, updates need to be done. There are currently 2 extension options: preferential (22% of the license cost) within 1 month from the date the license expires and standard (60% of the license cost), which you can do if you do not have time or do not want to do preferential.
Licenses «1C-Bitrix: Site Management»
Licenses (or editions) in 1C-Bitrix is essentially a marketing distinction of the CMS itself in terms of functionality and, accordingly, price. Want to get all the features and functionality of CMS 1C-Bitrix — purchase the most expensive edition.
Licenses differ from each other in the number of functional modules, as well as features that are not always obvious. For example, the number of currencies in the Small Business editorial office is limited to only one currency. Therefore, when choosing the right edition it is better to contact us, and we will tell you which edition is best suited for your new site.
All of them can be divided into 2 types — editions for a simple site such as a business card site or a simple corporate site («Start» и «Standard») and editions for the online store and catalog site («Small business» and «Business»):
«1C-Bitrix: Website Management — Start»
More details Compare Editions
«1C-Bitrix: Website Management — Standard»
More details Compare Editions
«1C-Bitrix: Site Management — Small Business»
More details Compare Editions
«1C-Bitrix: Website Management — Business»
More details Compare Editions
Technology «Composite site»
If you want your new or already created on 1C-Bitrix website to load instantly — 100 times faster, then you can order a service from us «Composite site».
This revision of the site will allow you to download the most important thing on the site (static data) — navigation, texts, structure — instantly, and the rest of the heavy data (dynamic) — pictures, JavaScript — gradually load.
Technology «Composite site» can:
- Implement a new site
- Implement when developing a new site on a turnkey solution
- Implement when developing a new site with a unique design
Unique solutions
Since the 1C-Bitrix content management system is a premium system, website development is usually carried out on it from scratch, that is, with a unique design with its subsequent binding to the CMS. This is also facilitated by the architectural peculiarity of this CMS — it is really convenient to develop non-standard sites on it and make any designer’s ideas come true.
Important! 1C-Bitrix has its own characteristics that should be taken into account during development, therefore, before coordinating the internal structure of the site and design, make sure that they are all taken into account. For example, the standard menu mechanism in 1C-Bitrix supports a maximum of 3 nesting. To make nesting more, you have to pay extra hours for the programmer.
What does the functional look like «1C-Bitrix: Site Management»?
The one who already worked with CMS «1C-Bitrix: Site Management» easily recognizes the design and interface of this system. For everyone else, we want to give a few screenshots with the functionality of this CMS:
Ready-made solutions
Although usually 1C-Bitrix is ordered to develop a site with a unique design, but very often ready-made solutions look and are designed at the same level and even better. The quality of such solutions is really high and at the same time they include extremely useful functionality — a basket has been worked out and the user’s path from choosing a product to purchasing it, mobile version (adaptive design), they are made according to technology «Composite site», various color schemes and much more.
The only relative minus is that there are not many good ready-made solutions and the sites on them are similar to each other. An excellent way to fix this minus is to order a redesign of a ready-made solution. In this case, the new site can be distinguished from the unique only in small details..
Also, under the CMS «1C-Bitrix: Site Management» there are specialized ready-made solutions, namely:
- Solutions for government organizations (sites for the city executive committee, tax office, subway, etc.)
- Health Solutions (site for a clinic, hospital, medical research organization, etc.)
- Education Solutions (site for school, university, college, etc.)
Work examples:
Corporate website LLC «Golf Center» Corporate website (portal) Bvm.by Corporate website (portal) Сhildlib. byDevelopment timeline
The timing of the creation of any site directly depends on its complexity. The more complex the project, the longer it takes to develop. So:
- website on the template* — from 1 to 2 months
- website with redesign template** — from 2 to 3 months
- site with a unique design — from 3 to 4 months
The price of the site depends entirely on the number of man-hours, which is calculated by us after receiving from you filled BRIF. If you have any difficulties in filling it out, then contact us and we will answer any of your questions, and if necessary we will send our manager to you who will help you and tell you everything down to the smallest details on all your questions.
The type of edition, and, accordingly, the cost of the CMS “1C-Bitrix: Site Management” license is determined by us depending on the type of site you choose and additional functionality that you want to see on the site.
Important! The cost of the license is included in the total cost of work.
Website on «1C-Bitrix» Turnkey solution | Website on «1C-Bitrix» Turnkey solution with redesign | Website on «1C-Bitrix» unique solutions |
What is included: | What is included: | What is included: |
License «1C-Bitrix: Site Management» as amended in accordance with the terms of reference for the site | License «1C-Bitrix: Site Management» as amended in accordance with the terms of reference for the site | License «1C-Bitrix: Site Management» as amended in accordance with the terms of reference for the site |
Purchased Turnkey solution | Purchased Turnkey solution | Unique design |
Installation and configuration of a turnkey solution | Installation and configuration of a turnkey solution | Creation of a new design-based solution |
— | Redesign of the finished solution to the style of the customer’s company | creation of a unique layout design |
— | If necessary, additional HTML-coding | HTML-coding |
— | If necessary, additional PHP programming | PHP programming |
| Sections:
| Sections:
Mobile version | Mobile version | Mobile version |
Free: | Free: | Free: |
— | — | Basic SEO promotion (sitemap /sitemap. xml, file /robots.txt, h2 headers, addition to Yandex.Webmaster and Google Search Console) |
— | — | Additional site protection against hacking |
— | SSL certificate connection (secure https protocol) | SSL certificate connection (secure https protocol) |
— | Live Chat Connection | Live Chat Connection |
Attendance counters (integration with Yandex. Metrica and Google Analytics) | Attendance counters (integration with Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics) | Attendance counters (integration with Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics) |
Creating Corporate Mailboxes | Creating Corporate Mailboxes | Creating Corporate Mailboxes |
Testing | Testing | Testing |
Field training | Field training | Field training |
Warranty up to 12 months | Warranty up to 12 months | Warranty up to 12 months |
Timing: | Timing: | Timing: |
from 1 to 2 months | from 2 to 3 months | from 3 to 4 months |
The cost of work: | The cost of work: | The cost of work: |
2 800 BYN | 5 200 BYN | 8 000 BYN |
Order | Order | Order |
Why companies choose us:
- strong portfolio and expertise
- possibility of subsequent SEO website promotion at the developer
- assistance in registering a site in «BelGIE»
- mandatory protection of the site from hacks and attacks
- warranty tech. service up to 12 months
- technical support Mo-Fr, from 9:00 to 18:00
- 13 years, 9 months и 10 days on the market of Belarus
In the rating of Baynet we took:
- 2nd place customer reviews
- 11th place in creativity rating
- 14th place in the ranking of web studios
We are the winners of competitions:
- «TIBO-2018 Internet Award» — became the leader in occupied places in the nomination «Sports, tourism and entertainment»
- 1st place in the nomination «Sports, tourism and entertainment»
- 2nd place in the nomination «Sports, tourism and entertainment»
- «TIBO-2017 Internet Award»
- 1st place in the nomination «Sports, tourism and entertainment»
- «TIBO-2016 Internet Award» — became the leader in 1st place among web studios
- 1st place in the nomination «Sports, tourism and entertainment»
- 1st place in the nomination «For children and youth»
- «Clean and Tech 2016» — 1st place at the hackathon in IMAGURU, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl accident
- «Internet of Things 2016» (IoT) — 1st place at Microsoft`s first hackathon in the Business Incubator of the High-Tech Park (HTP)
- «Russian Developers Cup 2015» — victory in the contest from Mail. ru Group
- «Russian Developers Cup 2014» — 1st place in the contest from Mail.ru Group
*** CMS (content management system) — special software (software) that allows you to change the site settings (sections, buttons, etc.) and the content (texts, photos, videos) of the site to any person without the knowledge of a programmer.
** Site conversion — the ratio of unique visitors to your site to the number of people who visited the site and performed the targeted action — who bought, called, wrote, etc.
*** Frontend — part of the site that is accessible to everyone. In fact, this is the site itself — the main and internal pages that the user sees.
**** Backend («admin») — part of the site that is inaccessible to ordinary visitors to the site, but accessible to the site owner by login and password. Here the employees of the company owning the site can edit and add content for the site: texts, pictures, logo, links in the menu, and so on. .
***** Info blocks (information blocks) — So in 1C-Bitrix structural elements are called, from which the programmer essentially builds the site. Each info block is configured as needed by the programmer, etc. every time we get new functionality.
- Web Development,
- CMS,
- Paid CMS,
- CMS 1C-Bitrix,
- 1C-Bitrix,
- 1C-Bitrix: Site Management
Bitrix Bitrix Site Manager: Список уязвимостей безопасности
Bitrix Bitrix Site Manager: Список уязвимостей безопасности(например: CVE-2009-1234 или 2010-1234 или 20101234)
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Общее количество уязвимостей: 7 Страница : 1 (Эта страница) |
CVE является зарегистрированным товарным знаком корпорации MITRE, а официальным источником содержания CVE является CVE-сайт MITRE. CWE является зарегистрированным товарным знаком корпорации MITRE, а официальным источником контента CWE является Веб-сайт CWE MITRE. OVAL является зарегистрированным товарным знаком The MITRE Corporation, а официальным источником контента OVAL является Веб-сайт MITRE OVAL.
Использование этой информации означает согласие на использование в состоянии КАК ЕСТЬ. НИКАКИХ гарантий, подразумеваемых или иных, в отношении этой информации или ее использования. Любое использование этой информации осуществляется на риск пользователя.